How Well Do You Know the Bible?

There are few people who really know the facts behind the Bible and the stories in it. You may be able to guess at some of the answers, but see which you can really get. The answers are not a matter of faith or speculation, but are factual and almost universally accepted by reputable scholars.

Try your knowledge of the Bible and see if you know it, believe it, or just joke about it. You might be surprised at some of the answers. The end results will show where you lean the heaviest: scholar, believer, under educated, or clown.

Created by: Father John

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who wrote the Book of Genesis?
  2. How many animals of each kind did Noah take on the ark?
  3. Jesus was born...
  4. The Apostle Paul was ...
  5. The Second of the Ten Commandments is ...
  6. Who was Cain's wife?
  7. Does the Bible talk about dinosaurs?
  8. The Book of Revelation was written by ...
  9. The Bible as we know it today was created ...
  10. Hell is ...
  11. Why did Jesus ask Peter 3 times if Peter loved him?
  12. The Synoptic Gospels are
  13. The Book of Revelation
  14. The first gospel written was The Gospel of
  15. Jesus was born ...
  16. Mary Magdalene was ...
  17. The 3rd Letter of Paul to the Corinthians is ...
  18. Jesus' siblings consisted of
  19. Who killed Jesus?
  20. After his resurrection, Jesus first went to ...
  21. According to Leviticus, if your teenager curses you, you are to ...
  22. The following verse id from the Bible, True or False? We have a little sister; she has no breasts. What shall we do for our sister?"
  23. Saul, later named Paul, founded churches in the following towns:

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know the Bible? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Bible Trivia Quiz category.