The BEST Wings of Fire quiz of all time

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Hey everyone! This is a fun lil quiz I made to test your knowledge of the Wings of Fire book series. It is a very hard quiz, so be prepared! I hope you find it fun.

1% of people will be able to get 100% on this difficult quiz without looking up answers(well, except for me, of course). Warning! There will be spoilers! So, ready to test your skills?

Created by: SunriseTheCat2
  1. Which stone looks the best on Queen Glacier, in Blaze’s opinion?
  2. What does anemone enchant during the battle of the Nightwings and Icewings?
  3. Nightwings have a good sense of…what?
  4. What did Kinkajou turn Darkstalker into?
  5. Who was Clearsight’s teacher, as a seer?
  6. Who enchanted the statue that kills Seawing heirs?
  7. Which dragonet of Destiny met both of their parents? (Out of these)
  8. What is the name of Glory’s sloth?
  9. Which dragonet of destiny is a descendant of Darkstalker?
  10. What colour streaks does Cobra Lily have on her horns?
  11. What power does Mightyclaws get from Darkstalker?
  12. Which dialogue is correct?
  13. What is the name of Peril’s dad, in his original form(Rainwing)?
  14. What did Peril say about Turtle’s enchanted stone that heals wounds?
  15. How many spikes are on a rainwing’s frill? (This includes the sides)
  16. What is Part 1 of The Lost Continent?
  17. Who made the Gift of Vision?
  18. What did Darkstalker make Arctic cut off first?
  19. What is the Pantalan dragons’ name for Rainwings?
  20. If you cross a NightWing with a SilkWing, what do you get?

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