What Wings Of Fire Dragon Are You?

Hello! This is my first quiz! I hope you like it! Its a quiz about what dragon tribe you are. Wings of Fire is a book series by Tui T. Sutherland and they are AWESOME!!!

This quiz will test and see what of 5 dragon tribes you are. There is Seawing, Skywing, Sandwing, Rainwing, Icewing, Mudwing, and Nightwing. If you donĀ“t know what a word means on the quiz, feel free to look it up! Thanks :P

Created by: Maddie
  1. Would you rather: Live in the hot or cold?
  2. Would you rather: Be vegetarian or be carnivore
  3. Would you rather: Live in the swamp or the rainforest?
  4. Would you rather: Be an animus or no?
  5. What tribe do you want to be in?
  6. Would you like to show your mood?
  7. Royalty or pheasant?
  8. Fire or no fire?
  9. White or black
  10. Does not affect answer: Dragonet or Adult?

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Quiz topic: What Wings Of Fire Dragon am I?
