The 10 philosophers stone HP questions

This is a ten question quiz on Harry Potter and the philosophers stone. I hope you like it, and I hope it’s not to hard or to easy. Sorry if it is. Enjoy!!!

I got asked these questions and I thought it would be cool yo ask others them. Hopefully, your score is accurate and I hope you like it. Please, please comment at the end.

Created by: MG
  1. Who comes to the zoo with the Dursleys?
  2. What is the first shop that Harry goes into?
  3. Which house does Hannah Abbott get sorted into:
  4. Finish the lyrics. Hogwarts, hogwarts, hoggy warty hogwarts ......................
  5. Where does Draco suggest that he and Harry meet for their midnight duel ?
  6. Which ghost can control Peeves?
  7. What did Hagrid give Harry for Christmas?
  8. Who referees the Quidditch match between Griffindor and Hufflepuff?
  9. What does Dumbledore say he sees in the mirror of erised?
  10. Who came to collect Norbert?

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