How well do you know Harry Potter and the philosophers stone

Hi, this my first quiz so don’t expect it to be hard. It is a wonderful quiz that will test you on “Harry Potter and the philosophers stone”. Hope you enjoy it

My, well fake name is Raine (I got my name in a go to quiz!).I love reading , especially Harry Potter! Please comment and rate my quiz! I also will make a number of quizzes.

Created by: Raine
  1. What is the name of Harry’s uncle, aunt and cousin?
  2. What is the name of the Half-giant who gave Harry his letter of admission to Hogwarts?
  3. What is the philosopher’s stone famous for?
  4. What is the name of hagrid’s dog?
  5. What instrument does Harry use to make the three headed dog sleep
  6. What is the name of the three headed dog?
  7. What is the spell that hermonie uses to repair Harry’s glasses?
  8. What is the spell Ron uses to knock out a troll with it’s own club?
  9. What is the name of the professor that takes qudditch?
  10. Finally, how many points were given to Ron, Hermonine, Harry and Neville for bravery?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Harry Potter and the philosophers stone
