Teenage Chronicle Part 12 | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Teenage Chronicle Part 12.

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  • Actually I do care but whatever, he must not know that. I'm a goddess though, hehe. Moreover, I don't like it when a god and goddess fight. It creates a bad impact on the world right? LOL. Again, I'm elated that I cooled down a bit and went to see Calisto instead of going to burn some old lady's house. I know Josh will always remember what I did to him and I will always remember it too but Josh needs to hear the other part of the story. There's not one side to a story. There's TWO sides to a story. Basically, Josh was kinda wrong for the past 50. 60 years because Jake wasn't the bad guy. Erika was. I think she and Voldermort would make the evil-est couple there is. Wonderful isn't it? *sarcastic smile* I cannot express how happy I am that Max is back, it's very...AMAZINGLY DISTRACTING! The reason why I splitted my comment in two is because gtq is always erasing it ! >.<

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  • Actually I do care but whatever, he must not know that. I'm a goddess though, hehe. Moreover, I don't like it when a god and goddess fight. It creates a bad impact on the world right? LOL. Again, I'm elated that I cooled down a bit and went to see Calisto instead of going to burn some old lady's house. I know Josh will always remember what I did to him and I will always remember it too but Josh needs to hear the other part of the story. There's not one side to a story. There's TWO sides to a story. Basically, Josh was kinda wrong for the past 50. 60 years because Jake wasn't the bad guy. Erika was. I think she and Voldermort would make the evil-est couple there is. Wonderful isn't it? *sarcastic smile* I cannot express how happy I am that Max is back, it's very...AMAZINGLY DISTRACTING! The reason why I splitted my comment in two is because gtq is always erasing it ! >.

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  • Basically, Josh was kinda wrong for the past 50. 60 years because Jake wasn't the bad guy. Erika was. I think she and Voldermort would make the evil-est couple there is. Wonderful isn't it? *sarcastic smile* I cannot express how happy I am that Max is back, it's very...AMAZINGLY DISTRACTING! The reason why I split my comment in three is because gtq is always erasing it ! >.( Anyway, please check out my quiz called "Dedication to natuhleegayle & others"

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  • Ambrosia- what the pickles. Haha, why did you tell the whole of gtq? LOL. I'm just feeling depressed thats all. I know I'm not good enough, I'm not smart, I'm not talented, I'm not creative and I don't deserve those five quizzes made about me? I realised getting in everyone's way was a big problem so I'm gonna keep quiet from now on, maybe i'll just come off of gotoquiz to make everyone happy. I know I'm such a dummy and I'm sorry for ever bugging anyone. I'm such a wreck and I don't want to push myself into people lives. Just forget about me, I know everyone would because I'm not a popular person. =/ Okay well sorry for taking up the comment space.

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  • I'm still with Josh on the fact that he's not acting like a jerk. The silent treatment was probably the best thing to come from the aftermath. Anyways I'm glad the truth is out. Second, Hey Max is here. He's funny, I've always thought him and Alex were like a comedy duo. Okay Thridly, I must confess... I turned on Sexyback when I read Calisto was in bed *blushes* what it's called relishing the moment don't act like you guys didn't do it when Patch was all snuggly earlier. Okay moving on from my sparatic music choices, what's gonna happen now? I'm serious I have no idea. Is Josh going to get over it now that he knows the truth? Are they going to be friends again? Are the guys going to school with me? What are the other guys going to think? Will Artemis and Daisy be okay? What's Erika planning? What's going to happen to Adam and Lucy? Ezra and Daniel? What happened to that ring from the boat? Will I ever tap into my true godess potential? Will I ever set the record straight with Cydonia? What's going to happen to Tyler? How will Josh react to Mr.Gabe? Are we ever going to have a massive party? What will happen to the Immortal Society with Erika on the loose? Are there more villains involved? How will I hide the fact that my eyes glow gold? What's up with Patch and Josh's bromance now? Will there be an epic battle? How long until we find out what Patch's back story is? Will the main character girl ever fully commit to one guy (I vote Calisto but hey you all knew that) Will we ever go to the Immortal society? Will Cory ever come back and cause Ezra to go into a love trianlge? Will anyone find out how many guys I hang out with, let alone live with? Will any of the guys fight over me because of Jake? How will Jake help? Does he know any super secret info? Must everything be so darn complicated? Whatever happened to my iPod? Did I leave it on the ship? Will Ezra move onto other movies? When will I get a one on one date? OH SO MANY QUESTIONS I want answers!

    Missy Prissy Cat
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  • @TheRecklessBam

    I' m still listening to it ;) and I trust you will answer them. I just seriously have no idea where this is going to go now. I mean usually I have some vague idea but now I don't know what to expect. I still have more questions, it's just the stupid word count >:( it's my worst enemy. Anyways I'm just going to re-read that special little part with it's natural musical accompaniment... *turns on music* *whispers* Thank you RecklessBam XD

    Missy Prissy Cat
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  • You create the most amazing characters! Patch is so amazing, and the way Josh is reacting I can totally see it on a regular guy int he real world. Gosh, I feel so guilty about not telling the guys anything =( But when you think about it, comparing Jake to Erkia is unfair. For one thing, Erkia is evil, and Jake is not. I could see it if he had compared him to like an ex-bestfriend, of pizza girl (I forget her name, did you mention a name?) Anyways, can't wait for the next one!

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  • gtq doesn't like me! HAHA! who cares? We are good people! I like pickles, you like GREEN APPLES, DONT YOU DRACO? (Draco says: has pansy influenced you.) Nono, pansy is a pug face! A very bad pug face who deserves to be treated with respect (pansy:thanks mudblood.) offense term parkinson but you're sweet for saying thanks (draco: you are crazy) Yes draco, I'm crazily in love with Harry Potter and Oliver Wood! (Draco: gryffindors?) Yep! Bye Draco, you're wasting commenting space!

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  • patch is yet so sensitive but chessy. I love him and I find no faults. I love his smart ass comments because they always make me laugh. When he kissed me(the character) I'm sure "I" felt sparks, fireworks, explosions and atomic bombs. Ezra is so cute when she caught us. xP That didn't sound right but oh well, no one cares what I say so it doesn't matter. I'm actually happy I talked to Josh, no idea why though. Alex is so protective of me, it's a shame that I love him so much. You actually made it very hard to choose one guy. I cannot believe though that Josh gave me the silent treatment. It's not very polite. xP Haha, I kinda felt bad because he said I hurt him, he actually liked me.

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  • THANK YOU!!!!! You put part 12 out!! Yay! 1. I can't help but like Patch more 2. Josh cant just forgive and Yeah I never really like Josh much. He should get his facts right before talking. 3. YOU ARE AMAZINg I love you quizzes, as you can tell!! 4. Make the next part soon 5. Sorry it's fun doing this. 6. Can we talk to Jake more, he seems like a stanger now, I don't know why but he is. 7. Max is back! 8. Can that pizza girl/girl with 3 jobs be evil. So I can kill her 9. This has so much drama, I love it! 10. You really amazing, like I have said but ask anyone. They will say you are. Your quizzes are the best. I mean every word I have said. I enjoy these so much and you are so lucky you can write. You have amazing fans (I am calling everyone else amazing not me) That love these to bits (that's me) I can't wait for the next part

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  • Missy Prissy Cat you bring up some good questions, and I can't wait (as always) to uncover more of the story ^^ I don't have much to say because I kind of exhausted myself a little in the last part, but I just want to say that Ezra always cracks me up XD she's an awesome best friend to have.

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  • @Missy Prissy Cat woaaahhh O___O

    I feel ambushed w/ questions lol How would I make a series if the questiona won't be answered? lol but trust me A LOT of theses questions are going to be answered in future quizzes, I haven't forgotten about them I'm just doing what I can to keep things interesting! (X oh! and I just about died from laughing when you mentioned Calisto and Sexyback LOLOL I'm still dying (X

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  • AHHH!!! This story is so awesome! And I'm so conflicted! I feel like crap for doing that to Josh and I really want him to forgive me, but I also really love Patch. It might be easier to just go with Patch, but I've loved Josh ever since the begining of this series...

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  • @Singin234 that you so much ^___^

    oh and sorry if you think I haven't read your comments before, but I have! I just have no time to reply :l BUUTTT the ring! as you mentioned, you actually gave me an idea with Jake and the ring! So thank YOU! So more Jake and ring! and Yeah I have amazing fans, including you! But thanks (:

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  • AH FUDGING FILIBUSTERS FIREWORKS! Haha, I love MAX but not as much as I adore and ALREADY IS MARRIED TO PATCH. My comment isn't going to be long because I'm too happy to express any of my feelings! You are THE best sister ever THERECKLESSBAM (:

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  • Maz, *tackles with hug* i thought you were gone, i missed you so much and so did Alex. Patch and Callisto stole my heart x3 i love them sooooo much. Where's Tyler?!?. My Tyler

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  • Whats so bad about Patch being an arrogant flirt? it's adorable :3 XDD Love this series and I don't want Josh to stay mad ): please fix hium trb? thankyou for yet another awesome part tp the series ^.^

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  • But seriously, if he kissed Erika, I'll kill them both! She's the slutty Incubus who tore apart Jake's and Josh's friendship and wants to take my powers, and he's just supposed to know better than kiss the enemy, the one we've been fighting for a very long time. I was wrong though. I shouldn't have kept it a secret from all of them, that was rude of me. But I was VERY tired of him making me look bad also. He deserved the truth and I don't care if it stung him like a catapault or a gunshot. Actually I do care but whatever, he must not know that. I'm a goddess though, hehe. Moreover, I don't like it when a god and goddess fight. It creates a bad impact on the world right? LOL. Again, I'm elated that I cooled down a bit and went to see Calisto instead of going to burn some old lady's house. I know Josh will always remember what I did to him and I will always remember it too but Josh needs to hear the other part of the story. There's not one side to a story. There's TWO sides to a story.

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  • Yeah, I was emailing her and she told me she hates herself, and she's never going to be good enough for anyone on gtq

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  • No one ever said it was bad about Patch being an arrogant flirt. We all love him. He and I had our honeymoon in Hawaii ! ^_^

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  • Awesome!!!!I like Patch,Alex,Calisto, and I still sorta like the new guy Jack lol.You should show him again haha

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  • I was putting the choices for my 2nd choice guy but when max got in the story now I'm going to choose max's choice.

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  • I believe she did at precisely 12:09PM yesterday. But thank you for the concern, we wouldn't want Aria to miss this one. DRAMAAAAA!!!

    Missy Prissy Cat
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  • Hey everyone. Has anyone noticed that Aria isn't really commenting? =/

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  • My comment doesn't want to be posted so I'll just email you my views on this one (: I loved it

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