Team Jacob or Team Edward

ok so you a twilight fan is one thing team jacob means you love jacob team edward you love edward you get it if you are none you are imbertween you like them both or you dont see?

this quiz will show you if you like jacob or edward or mabey none! find out if you are in love with them or not in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: Aine Cruise
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Alice is having a party do you....
  2. Bella tells everybody she loves edward do you....
  3. The cullens invide you for tea
  4. Your mum says you like like your in love do you......
  5. Braaking dawns out what do you dress in to see the movie
  6. Braaking dawns out what do you dress in to see the movie
  7. what do you whant for x'mas
  8. you have a talk in class about who ou whant to be like or go out with
  9. Your bored do you...
  10. Twilight and its sagas are whiped of the earth forever

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