How much do you know about the Twilight Saga?

A genius is someone who knows everything about everything, someone who has a clever mind, and is able to solve huge problems... thats what a genius is!

Are you a genius? Find out right here if you are a true twilighter! Team Edward! Team Jacob! it's all here on this quiz, so find out if your a true fan1

Created by: Nicole
Personality Test
  1. In Twilight What did Edward say as he left the office?
  2. How dose Bella break her hand?
  3. What is the full name of Edward and Bella's newborn daughter?
  4. When was Edward born?
  5. How old is Bella when she is turned into a vampire?
  6. What is Bella's reaction to Edward's proposal?
  7. Who is the Redhead Tracker Vampire?
  8. In Twilight how many vampires are in the Cullen family?
  9. How old is the Vampire side of Edward?
  10. Who will play Edward and Bella's daughter in Breaking Dawn?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about the Twilight Saga?