Take this quiz and I'll give you a KPOP boy group to stan!!!

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In this quiz you'll answer a few questions about your personality of more about what you like and at the end I'll give you a KPOP boy group. No matter which one you get it you don't know much about them or don't know them full stop please check them out, they're all truly amazing!!!

In this quiz there a five possible boy groups you could end up with, but of course I'm not going to tell you which one because then it wouldn't be a surprise. Sorry if you don't get the one you want, but I hope you enjoy taking the quiz!!!Bye bye for now!!!

Created by: Jinju
  1. What colours do you like most?
  2. What animals do you like the most out of the following, sorry if there r some you don't like in the lists :'(
  3. What style do you like?
  4. What ages? If you're taking this quiz in the first six months of 2025, it's mostly good, it it's after, it's definitely changed, sorry!!!
  5. What nationalities?
  6. Do you like ships*?*Shipping two members is thinking they are, look like, or would look cute or good as a couple
  7. Recent debut?
  8. How many members?
  9. Youngest leader or oldest leader?
  10. Great and absolutely not boring mv?
  11. Pick a line that was said by one of the group members
  12. More quotes
  13. Bye bye!!! Have a nice life!!! Also good luck for tomorrow seeing as it's Valentine's Day!!! Spend a nice day with your partner, and if you don't have one, I hope the one you want asks you out of you ask them out and you become a couple, unless you don't want to. I seriously hope the guy I like asks me out 🍊💛Okay, bye for real now, good luck!!!

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