Which K-Pop Girl Group Should You Debut In?

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All the choices you make in this quiz will tell you which K-pop girl group you would fit right into! Choices range from iconic groups such as Twice to newer ones on the scene like Stayc!

I hope you will be pleased with the results you get at the end of this quiz! Expressing my gratitude to you for taking your time to take this quiz! Enjoy your day!

Created by: hazel
  1. Pick a popular girl group song:
  2. Pick a colour:
  3. Pick an Asian country to visit:
  4. Pick a quality that you look for in an idol:
  5. Pick an ice cream flavour:
  6. Pick a school subject:
  7. Pick a European country to visit:
  8. Pick a dessert to enjoy:
  9. Pick a K-pop soloist:
  10. Pick a Disney princess:

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Quiz topic: Which K-Pop Girl Group should I Debut In?
