Tag: Preppy
What's up, preppy? Take a look below, whether you consider yourself prep or not. :)
- Are You an Actual Prep?
- Nov 23, '07
- by Mike
In today's society, the word prep has become associated with a great deal of negative connotations and misconceptions. Most…
- How Preppy Are You?
- Mar 17, '23
- by Abby
Do you want to be preppy? Or are you preppy? Either way, take our “Are you Preppy?” quiz! Follow me or dm me on pinterest…
- How preppy are you?
- Mar 2, '08
- by Spence
Real preps have never thought of themselves as "preppy". (Self-reflection isn't a preppy characteristic.) They just are what…
- How Preppy Are You?
- Feb 25, '13
- by marissajsparkle
How preppy are you? What is a prep first? Well, a prep is someone who is popular, rich, attractive, and stylish. The more…
- How Preppy Are You?
- Dec 16, '06
- by Ally & Alexa
You will find out the true meaning of preppy. Muahahahaa... Are you really preppy? Or are you a poser.. TRYING to hard? FIND…
- How Preppy Are You?
- Nov 10, '06
- by JMW
How preppy are you? Because most people are not as preppy and high-class as they think. This quiz is specifically designed to…
- How Preppy are You?
- Aug 24, '08
- by Miki Twilight
There are many preppy people, but few are true preps. What is a prep? A prep is someone who dresses trendily and spreads school…
- Preppy or Not?!
- Jun 23, '08
- by Prep
Often the word "preppy" is tossed around. It's usually meant as a high-school stereotype, but preppy can go far beyond that. …
- How preppy are you?
- Jun 18, '09
- by Chrystee
Being preppy is not just about how you look or act. It's what you do and how you live. It's about being classy and about…
- What kind of prep are you?
- Apr 7, '15
- by A.C. Skip
Prep is not just a style, it's a lifestyle. Like any lifestyle, their are types of prep. Geography does not define what kind…
- Are You A True Prep?
- Dec 26, '10
- by qsck12
Many people today claim to be "preppy" - when in reality very few of them actually know what this means. This quiz aims to…
- How preppy are you?
- Sep 28, '14
- by Bob jones
Being preppy is not just how you dress, but more of a luxurious lifestyle. Do you know what it means to be a prep? Rich, well…
- How preppy are you?
- Jul 10, '07
- by Jacqueline
It is the inalienable right of every man, woman, and child to wear khaki. Looking, acting, and ultimately being Prep is not…
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