Which Pikmin are you?

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If you clicked on this quiz, you want to know which type of Pikmin you are. Am I right? Of course I am. Now hurry up and take the quiz. Have fun or else.

He-he-here we go! So they're finally here, performing for youIf you know the words, you can join in tooPut your hands together, if you want to clapAs we take you through this monkey rap!Huh!DK! Donkey Kong!He's the leader of the bunch, you know him wellHe's finally back to kick some tailHis coconut gun can fire in spurtsIf he shoots ya, it's gonna hurt!He's bigger, faster, and stronger tooHe's the first member of the DK crew!Huh!DK! Donkey Kong!DK! Donkey Kong is here!This Kong's got style, so listen up dudesShe can shrink in size, to suit her moodShe's quick and nimble when she needs to beShe can float through the air and climb up trees!If you choose her, you'll not choose wrongWith a skip and a hop, she's one cool Kong!Huh!DK! Donkey Kong!He has no style, he has no graceTh-this Kong has a funny faceHe can handstand when he needs toAnd stretch his arms out, just for youInflate himself just like a balloonThis crazy Kong just digs this tune!Huh!DK! Donkey Kong!DK! Donkey Kong is here!He's back again and about time tooAnd this time he's in the moodHe can fly real high with his jetpack onWith his pistols out, he's one tough Kong!He'll make you smile when he plays his tuneBut Kremlings beware 'cause he's after you!Huh!DK! Donkey Kong! Huh!Finally, he's here for youIt's the last member of the DK crew!This Kong's so strong, it isn't funnyCan make a Kremling cry out for mummyCan pick up a boulder with relative easeMakes crushing rocks seem such a breezeHe may move slow, he can't…

Created by: Bulborb
  1. Do you prefer Summer or Winter?
  2. Can you lift heavy things? (be honest)
  3. How do you like to travel? To other countries, states, islands etc
  4. Are you good at fixing electronics?
  5. Do you like day or night?
  6. Where would your ideal holiday be?
  7. Which activity would you do?
  8. Do you collect crystals?
  9. Which would you prefer?
  10. Which colours do you like best?
  11. How would you describe yourself?
  12. What is your eye colour?
  13. Which of these flowers is your favourite?
  14. Ice cream or cake?
  15. Ready to see what Pikmin you are?

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Quiz topic: Which Pikmin am I?
