Tag: Humor
- Apr 27, '21
- by The owner
- Nov 13, '18
- by redoro
- How Funny Do Your Friends Think You Are?
- Feb 15, '15
- by Leopard101
Do you want to know how people think of you humor wise? Then you should take this quiz! Someone who can make a crowd laugh is…
- Are you a comedian?
- Oct 16, '16
- by Cathy
You most probably know someone awfully funny. Or, maybe, you think you are the funniest person you know. Though there is a…
- So You Think That You're Funny
- Mar 10, '12
- by rockerchick12
Welcome to my quiz zone! Find out if you're the next American fun-ster. ... Or not... Please comment if you want us to make…
- Humor Quiz- What Kind Of Humor Do You Have?
- Apr 26, '14
- by Codysly
This quiz will show what kind of humor you most have. It doesn't mean you ONLY have that type of humor, it just means its the…
- Are You Funny???
- Apr 14, '07
- by Michelle
My dad was funny, but my in-laws are the funniest people I know! Without laughter life wouldn't be worth living. Try this and…
- Craig Ferguson Jokes
- Oct 30, '12
- by Dark22978
There are many funny comedians, but only one can make a Political joke and have everyone falling off of their seats. And that…
- Do you have a good sense of humor?
- Nov 23, '07
- by Cara
Do people think you are hilarious? Do you know all the best jokes? Many people know how to crack jokes but there are few true…
- How fun are you?
- May 9, '14
- by NikiWolf
There are people that might try to have fun, but others KNOW how to have a great time! Are you like one of these people? A fun…
- Are you funny or Boring?
- Apr 10, '18
- by I. Sacchi / A. Huang
This Quiz is about if you are something, or if you are other thing, after you did this quiz, you will be looking at the…
- Are You a Comedian?
- Jun 28, '07
- by blahdeblah
There are many funny people in this world, and you may be one of them. But there are only a few extraordinary comedians, and…
- Are You Good At Telling Jokes?
- Sep 4, '15
- by goodways
Making people laugh is a good talent. Jokes are the best way to do it and it is cheap too! People enjoy good ones among them.…
- How hilarious are you
- Apr 18, '09
- by SparklyScarlett
Do you hate it when you tell a joke and no one laughs? Well, now you can know if you're actually funny, or just uncool. Just…
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