Are you a funny person?

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This quiz is used to determine between four options. In this, we will try to see if you are a funny person, or not. And for either, we will try to figure out what kind of that you are.

Do not take this quiz seriously, but we expect you to be honest in your self-reporting. Since all the results given rely on your honesty. So don't make up stuff.

Created by: The owner
  1. When you make a first impression to people, you tend to
  2. When it comes to attracting people romantically, your opener tends to be
  3. What kind of comedy do you typically enjoy?
  4. What do you think of advertisements on TV or on the internet?
  5. My view on trying to be "ironically" unfunny by recycling old memes into twisted formats is...
  6. If there was one positive adjective that other people used to describe your communication, it would be...
  7. If there was one negative adjective that other people used to describe your communication, it would be...
  8. What is your perception of other people's humour?
  9. Do you laugh at your own jokes
  10. Do you tend to repeat a joke after you've found one?

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Quiz topic: Am I a funny person?

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