Tag: Canada
- How Canadian are You?
- Dec 7, '06
- by Tim
Lying atop the North American Continent like a crown of ice and snow is the Great Lone Land: Canada. But who are the residents…
- Canadian Citizenship Quiz for IPM
- Sep 20, '17
- by Kristin Crane
Get quizzed on Canadian politics, society, history, and geography. Find out whether or not you could pass the Canadian…
- How [Anglo] Canadian are you?
- Nov 3, '12
- by HH Matthew Evans
There are very simplistic tests of how Canadian people are. This quiz is a more in-depth test to give one a truer assessment of…
- How Canadian are you?
- Aug 12, '06
- by satan_0
Everyone loves a Canadian. Sadly, not everyone can be a Canadian. What is a Canada? We are the largest land mass with the…
- How Much Do You Know About Canada?
- Apr 26, '21
- by Quizlet
Hello, welcome to my Quiz. This quiz will determine how much you know about Canada! You will be given 15 questions, try your…
- How Much Do you Know About Canada?
- May 3, '11
- by lemons
This test quizzes you about how much you know about Canada. It includes Provinces, Territories, Canada's largest and most…
- Canadian Geography Quiz (o.k., mostly Canadian capitals)
- Jan 11, '07
- by David Sauder
My cousin in the USA was bragging about getting 100% on the U.S. capitals quiz. So I wondered how many Americans would be able…
- Do you know your Canadian History?
- Nov 23, '13
- by kewlgurll
Canadian history dates back far more than you may believe it to be. From the time of the dinosaurs, to the colonization of New…
- Test your Canadian-ism
- Jan 21, '08
- by shahanessy
Have you ever found yourself wondering, am I really, truly, a Canadian at heart. If you find yourself taking this test, you…
- Are You Canadian?
- Nov 15, '06
- by Pam
I make fun of Canada a lot, and this is nothing more than a joke. Of course you all know that I have many canadian loves. But…
- Could You Be Really Canadian?
- Mar 21, '07
- by Natasha
Being in Canada is one thing. But being accepted as a Canadian is a another. You need to feel the Caunck in your veins and in…
- Canadian or American?
- Jun 23, '11
- by Nikki_Knox
Many people wonder which stereotype they fit best: The beer drinking hockey loving Canadian, or the fat gun loving American. Of…
- Oh Canada Oh Canada
- Mar 6, '09
- by Tata Nidza
Everybody knows Canada. Really. But do you know Canadian Provinces. Ask your grandma where is a Prairie Province or what is…
- Canadian Accent Test
- Jan 3, '14
- by quizmaster
Research shows Canadians do say many things differently. Particularly with the vowels. This test asks questions to see if you…
- Are You a Secret Canadian?
- Mar 31, '10
- by Cheryl from Ontario!
How Canadian are you? Are you secretly harbouring a fantasy that you were born of Canadian parents and smuggled across the…
- Do you really want to live in Canada?
- Aug 6, '15
- by David O'Connor
There are many who think they could handle to cold Canadian psyche, but a true Canuck is not black or white, we are all grey, a…
Even More Canada Quizzes
- How Canadian are you?
- Feb 8, '07
- by Rowen McGreggue
There are many people who live in Canada that think if you live in Canada you are in fact a Canadian. However, that is not…
- Could You Be A Canadian?
- Jan 24, '07
- by Matt Wilkins
Canada wants you! It's a known fact that many Americans know less about their Northern Neighbour than they do about Oprah. …
- Do You Have a Canadian Accent Quiz?
- Feb 19, '14
- by Sarah
Most Anglo- Canadians (English speaking) don't believe they sound any different than most central-west coast Americans but I'm…
- How Canadian Are You?
- Nov 2, '06
- by Jenn
Are you a Canadian, prove it. Take the quiz, see what separates the Canadians from the rest of the world. Don't be afraid, its…
- Canada culture and things
- Mar 7, '09
- by Tata
Are you ready for your test on Canada? Consider this a practice quiz for your Canadian knowledge. Hopefully you come prepared.
- How Canadian Are You?
- Nov 6, '13
- by kewlgurll
There are many thing separating a Canadian from anyone else. Only a true Canadian knows that we don't have as many beavers as…
- How Canuck Am I?
- Nov 6, '08
- by Evan Campbell
Are you a Canadian? Or do you consider yourself one? Or are you just curious about your knowledge of the land of maple leafs?…
- Irish Immigration to Canada Quiz
- Nov 16, '16
- by Owen Aylward
If you are good at Canadian History, well don't I have the treat for you. Welcome to our Irish Immigration to Canada Quiz.…
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