How Much Do You Know About Canada?

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Hello, welcome to my Quiz. This quiz will determine how much you know about Canada! You will be given 15 questions, try your best to complete them correctly!

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Created by: Quizlet
  1. What is Canada's National Animal?
  2. What is the capital of Canada?
  3. What is Canada's National Sport?
  4. What is Canada's National Food?
  5. How many Provinces & Territories are there in Canada?
  6. What is the largest Province/Territory in Canada?
  7. What is the most populated city in Canada?
  8. What are the 5 Great Lakes in Canada?
  9. What is the smallest Province/Territory in Canada?
  10. Canada is the ___ largest country in the world.
  11. In which continent is Canada found?
  12. How much colours are there on Canada's flag?
  13. What symbol is on Canada's flag?
  14. Where is the Parliament located in Canada?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Canada?
