Tag: Brain Dominance
- Are you Logical or Artistic?
- Dec 16, '15
- by Daniel
This quiz will determine whether you are more logical or more artistic. First let me say, I believe everyone is a bit of both.…
- Do You Use Your Left Or Right Side Of Your Brain?
- Mar 12, '14
- by Kish
A popular scientific rumor has it that the left side of the brain has its own functions and the right side of the brain has its…
- Brain Hemisphere
- Jun 2, '09
- by amazon
Do you prefer to study lying down or sitting up? Do you watch the clock constantly, or does the bell surprise you at the end of…
- Is Your Logical or Your Creative Side More Dominant?
- Apr 19, '20
- by Jeeshan
Thinking and decision making is analyzed on three different types of thinking styles. The three thinking styles are creative…
- What Side Of Your Brain Is the Most Powerful?
- Feb 25, '08
- by Aly
Where does creativity come from? How can one person be so creative and another person appear to be uncreative? The source of…
- Are you Left-Brained or Right-Brained?
- Oct 20, '20
- by Jenna
Hello everybody! Have you ever heard of left- or right-brain dominance? Well, regardless of if you have or haven't, this is a…
- Do You Use the Right or Left Side of Your Brain?
- Jan 10, '20
- by firebreather
Do you use the right side of your brain? Are you creative and artsy? Imaginative, and daydreaming more that paying attention?…
- Are you more of a Right Brain or Left Brained person?
- Jan 3, '12
- by Amber766
As an AP Psychology project I had to create a project using "Technology" so... making a quiz was MY CHOICE! Its a quiz on…
- Brain Dominance
- Feb 14, '13
- by GrayArtist
This is a quiz to determine your brain dominance. That just means what side of the brain you use. Each is very valuable to our…
- Are you Left brained or Right brained?
- Jun 11, '11
- by Wooden Bridge
There are two hemispheres of the brain...left and right. Take this quiz and find out what side of the brain you are. Please…
- Are You Left Or Right Brained? (Extremely Accurate!)
- Dec 2, '11
- by None O. Urbusiness
Have you ever wondered what side of your brain you use the most? Well this quiz will help you determine the dominate side of…
- Are You More Left-Brained or Right-Brained?
- Mar 23, '08
- by aszand_58
Ever wonder if you are more of a left-sided person or a right-sided person? Did you ever think you might be both? Well this is…
- Questionnaire X
- Nov 27, '12
- by annataylor21
This questionnaire is designed to study different aspects of your personality. Please answer each question truthfully and do…
- Questionnaire Z
- Nov 27, '12
- by annataylor21
This questionnaire is designed to study different aspects of your personality. Please answer each question truthfully and do…
- Are you left-brained or right-brained?
- Mar 18, '18
- by Checkmate
Most people think they are logical. However, many artists cannot think to the same degree an average human can think. In art,…
- Logical or creative?
- Dec 30, '17
- by CherryOnTheTop
Everyone is different. We all think differently, and this is caused by the balance of logic and creativity in our brain.…
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