firebreather's Profile

Joined on Dec 26, 2019
Status Level: Novice
firebreather's Quizzes
- Do You Use the Right or Left Side of Your Brain?[published: Jan 10, 2020, 3 comments]
Do you use the right side of your brain? Are you creative and artsy?……
- Are You Gold or Silver (Or Introvert or Extrovert?)?[published: Jan 03, 2020, 7 comments]
Are you Gold? The wild, adventurous, mirth-filled color? Do you like to be……
- Just Another Life Pt 4[published: Jan 03, 2020, 2 comments]
It's an everlasting battle. Between the Nepilim and the demons. But now they have something that the……
- Is it True or False?[published: Dec 30, 2019]
How many strange facts do you know? Do you know enough to know what here is true or false? Here you will be……
- Just Another Life Pt 3[published: Dec 29, 2019, 2 comments]
It's an everlasting battle. Between the Nepilim and the demons. But now they have something that the……
- Should you get a Dog or a Cat?[published: Dec 28, 2019, 4 comments]
Do you want a dog or a cat, or are you just undecided and want this quiz to decide your opinion?……
- Are you a Dragon, Elf, or Unicorn?[published: Dec 26, 2019, 2 comments]
Are you a feisty dragon? A mystic elf? Or maybe a magical unicorn? Each comes with their own……
- Just Another Life Pt 2[published: Dec 26, 2019, 2 comments]
It's an everlasting battle. Between the Nepilim and the demons. But now they have something that the……
- Just another life[published: Dec 14, 2019]
so, this is my first quiz, and I hope you all enjoy it! um . . . what else can I put here? I need one hundred……
firebreather's Recent Posts
"So, I'm writing a book that is going to be part of a trilogy. I have the main themes of those books figured out. I'm thinking and planning ..."
"Why doesn't anyone use this forum anyway?"
"sorry, I don't understand cyborg"
"I just listen to jazz"
"I've been watching horror movies to try and at least jump or get creeped out, or something. But nothing's worked. Does anyone have any sugge..."
"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"
"unless whipped cream counts?"
"What in the world does the shape of the earth have to do with any of this?"
"Now that I've proven the dragons did exist, how many know know that they did?"
"If it wasn't Jesus, then who was in the upper room? Who was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane? Who got arrested? Who stood before the Sanh..."
"These are great! I can't draw in that style though. I have to do it more realistically. You have a true talent!"
"nevermind, i figured out what i'm going to do."
firebreather's Recent Quiz Comments
"sorry, I forgot about #9
#9:You nodded. Of course you remembered it; it wasn't the kind of thing that one forgets very easily.…"
In response to firebreather:
"I've started trying to break questions into…"
1 -
"I've started trying to break questions into smaller parts so that this stop happening, but it's really annoying. This time it decided to…"
1 reply1 -
"For now, just go to the comments after each quiz, because I don't know what GTQ is going to do to my quizzes."
In response to firebreather:
"I don't think this thing likes me since it…"
1 -
"I don't think this thing likes me since it keeps on taking off part of my questions. This time it was #6. Here's what…"
1 reply1 -
"I'm a Dragon. I makes sense, since I'm obsessed with them. I'm also a redhead, so I could probably breath fire in my anger if I wanted…"
In response to NeptuneForever:
"Elf...YAY!!!!!!!!! I knew that's what I'd get…"
1 -
"Apparently I'm green, am super smart, am a crazy plant person, and never lie.
I am super smart, but I'm definitely not a plant…"
1 reply0 -
"So, it also turns out that it got rid of part of #3. I am so sorry about all of this. Here's how it goes:
We're in a place where…"
In response to firebreather:
"So, this thing is stupid, since it decided it…"
1 -
"So, this thing is stupid, since it decided it would be nice to get rid of part of #8. Sorry for any confusion.
Here's what…"
1 reply1