Which one of my OCs are you?

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Hello! Wanna know which one of my ocs you are most like? Well, take my quiz! I would be really grateful if you chose to, as it is my first time on this website :D

So it’s just 15 questions, nothing too crazy. Just a silly little quiz :). So if your bored, and if your interested, then mabye this is the quiz for you.

Created by: Pink
  1. Are you good at sports?
  2. Do you have good grades?
  3. Do you have a parent/guardian?
  4. Do you have a phobia?
  5. Do you feel that you need good grades to validate that you are good enough?
  6. Hobbies?
  7. Do you have to work twice as hard to be as good as everyone else?
  8. Introvert or extrovert?
  9. How would your friends describe you?
  10. Fashion taste?
  11. Favorite colors?
  12. What do you do under pressure?
  13. Hair color?
  14. Pick your favorite food out of this selection of edibles.
  15. Lastly, if you had a weapon, which would you choose?

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Quiz topic: Which one of my OCs am I?
