Student Belonging Survey (but better)

My school gave us all a survey. It was okay. Not a huge fan though. I've decided to try and rework it and make it better to help more students. How well you feel you belong in school does not have to always do with friends. Also this is not totally accurate.

Now you can take this survey. I only suggest you take it if you are in middle school or higher. The results are based on how well school seems to be going for you, not necessarily how well you belong.. scroll down and begin please. :D :D :D :P :) :0 :D :) ;)

  1. How many of your classes do you enjoy?
  2. If you enjoy a specific class, tell me why?
  3. In the past month: How many times have you felt nervous because of school?
  4. What do your grades look like?
  5. Do students attempt to talk to you?
  6. What do you do at recess?
  7. What do you do at recess? Part 2
  8. Do you feel like you belong at recess?
  9. What do you do when the teacher tells the class to get in groups?
  10. Do you get bullied?
  11. If you still get bullied, how does that affect you?
  12. If you used to get bullied, does that still affect you?
  13. If you get nervous at school, what is usually the reason?
  14. Do the teachers treat you right?
  15. How many of your classes do you have friends in?
  16. Time for results. Again, it's not entirely accurate.

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