Do you have senioritis?

"Senioritis" is a common phenomenon and stereotype where high school students (and occasionally college students) suddenly become much more lazy and apathetic towards school during their senior year, especially in the second semester of the year. Senioritis is an actual term in the English dictionary, and is sometimes even classified as a real, serious disease.

Senioritis usually begins in January of a student's senior year, although it can occur at any time. Symptoms of senioritis include decreased motivation, worsening performance in school, and excessive absences or behavior issues.

Created by: No Name
  1. First of all: This quiz is for HIGH SCHOOL / COLLEGE SENIORS ONLY.
  2. Now, to the actual questions...
  3. When do you go to school?
  4. Do you pay attention in class?
  5. Do you get in trouble often?
  6. Do you have a habit of skipping school?
  7. Are you often used as an example of someone who should or should NOT be looked up to/emulated?
  8. Last time you were "ranked" among your classmates, what place were you in
  9. Do you have a learning disability?
  10. How are your grades holding up right now?
  11. Related to the above: What is your LOWEST grade?
  12. Do you perform well on tests?
  13. Some schools implement special "privileges" for seniors if they maintain good grades and behavior, while revoking them for poor grades or serious infractions. How often do your privileges get yanked?
  14. How is your relationship with your teachers?
  15. Farewell to thee

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Quiz topic: Do I have senioritis?
