Stranger Things Quiz

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This is a relatively easy Stranger Things quiz and if you have seen all three season then you should get a good score on this but if you get a low grade then... Well just take the quiz and you’ll find out good luck:).

Also no cheating do some research BEFORE you take this quiz if you cheat then your not a real Stranger Things fan and don’t worry if you get one or two questions wrong or even if you get them all wrong that’s fine just try again.

Created by: Chloe
  1. What game are the boys in Stranger Things frequently shown to enjoy playing?
  2. At the start of the second season, the boys go dressed up as characters from what popular film for Halloween?
  3. What is the name of Dustin's girlfriend whom he meets at Science Camp?
  4. What is the name of the ice cream parlour at which Steve works in season 3?
  5. In season 1 what unusual item does Joyce use as a method of communication to try and get into contact with her son?
  6. What foodstuff is Eleven a huge fan of?
  7. What arcade game is Max shown to be particularly good at?
  8. What is the name of the malevolent entity that possesses Will in season 2?
  9. What is the name of the private investigator played by Fleabag star Brett Gelman in seasons 2 and 3?
  10. In what year does Stranger Things begin?
  11. And lastly, What creative hobby does Jonathan pursue?
  12. SIKE one more question, What song by the Clash plays a prominent part in season 1?

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