Are you a REAL Stranger Things fan?

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Do you think you're a Stranger Things fan? Or is it just pride? Can you reach 100 or will you fail in the attempt? Do you know the phrases, the small details by heart? I challenge you to take this quiz and challenge yourself without cheating, because friends don't lie.

Don't be sad if you don't get 100, this test is not easy, that's why I encourage you to watch the series again and try again. The questions are (according to the people around me) "Difficult and with a hint of trickery." Pay attention as there are things that it is difficult for a human being to realize.

Created by: Will Byler
  1. Who says the most cuss words on the show?
  2. Finish the sentence: "She´s our friend...
  3. Which is Dr.Owens name?
  4. Who enters to the Upside Down through a portal (without counting Will) for the first time?
  5. What flavor of ice cream does Steve offer to the customers in season 3?
  6. What nickname did Robin call Steve in season 3?
  7. What was the name of Lonnie's girlfriend, Joyce's ex-husband?
  8. What was Mike's little sister's name?
  9. What was the name of the counselor at Hawkins High School?
  10. What was the name of Victor Creel's wife?
  11. What is the name of the fourth episode of season 4?
  12. What was the series originally going to be called?
  13. Name a character without daddy issues.
  14. Where does Eleven go first after escaping from the laboratory?
  15. Does the series contain elements based on real events?
  16. What is the exact date of Will Byers' disappearance?
  17. How old is Will Byers?
  18. What is Eleven's real name?
  19. How many numbers are there in the laboratory (that we know)
  20. Finally, what illness does Dustin suffer from?

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Quiz topic: Am I a REAL Stranger Things fan?
