How Well Do You Know Stranger Things?

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Are you a fan of Stranger Things or are you a fan of Stranger Things? Trust me, there is a difference. Confused? Just take this quiz to find out! :)))

Idk what to put here blah blah blah blah blah Antidisestablishmentarianism Pnumenoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis 3.141592653589793238462643383279

Created by: 11
  1. First question! When did Will Byers go missing?
  2. How long was Will missing?
  3. What was Joyce's dog's named?
  4. Where do Dustin, Mike and Lucas get the names for the creatures from the upside down?
  5. What is the first thing Will says to Joyce while he's in the upside down?
  6. What are all of the things that Eleven's Mom has in her vision?
  7. What was the Hawkins National Laboratory's pseudonym?
  8. How long were Mike and El apart for?
  9. Fun fact about the last question! If you add up the digits of the days you get 11! Alright, where did Dustin find Dartanyeon?
  10. What is something well known about the Mind Flayer?
  11. What is the best ship in the series?
  12. How many names does Eleven have?
  13. Why didn't closing the Gate work in season 2?
  14. When did Will first feel the Mind Flayer in season 3?
  15. Now some knowledge about the actors! What are Eleven's, Mike's, Lucas's, Dustin's, and Will's real names?
  16. Great! What about Steve, Nancy, and Jonathan?
  17. Last one! Joyce, Bob, and Hopper?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Stranger Things?
