squid game IQ test

welcome to the inteernational squid IQ test where we will test you on some squid game questions on squid game so you know whether you can join squid game.

anyways lets gooooo start and good luck if you get 90 or 100 IQ you can join squid game but if 80 or less you cannot. but anyway the minimum words is 150 so heres some letters: SqUiD GaMe

  1. what is the name of the giant doll in squid game
  2. what are the shapes for the sugar honeycomb test
  3. how many people are there in the hopscotch game
  4. how do you win red light, green light
  5. how many people are there in squid game
  6. how much is the cash prize for winning squid game
  7. last question. Did you like this quiz
  8. jk not last question how many guards are there in red light, green light
  9. what was the country squid game was made in
  10. OK last question for real who won the squid game

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