Which game would you die in Squid Game?

Hello! Have you ever wondered which round you would die in the hit Netflix movie series Squid Game? Well, you are in the right place! Here, we will tell you which round you would meet your fate.

We will ask you a few questions. Do not lie! You will be told which game you would meet your end in this game! It's totally fair! I mean, you actually want to know, right?

Created by: Linchamster
  1. Did you play a lot of games when you were a child?
  2. Choose a shape.
  3. Your personality is...
  4. When the doll in Game #1 shouts "Green Light!" you...
  5. You value...
  6. A player says "Hi". What do you say?
  7. Are you lucky?
  8. (This will not affect your final score.) Did you like this quiz?
  9. (This will not affect your final score.) Who is your favorite character?
  10. (This will not affect your final score.) Pick a number...

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