Sordland Political Ideology Quiz

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This is a quiz to find out what ideology from Sordland which is a fictional country loosely inspired from Türkiye and set in the 1950s, that appears to be more advanced than our own version of that decade.

I believe that this quiz differs from the many, many others and tierlists like it because it is fundamentally based on Sordish politics rather than abstract politics often from a western and modern atmosphere.

Created by: Covenanter
  1. What type of economy do you support?
  2. What foreign policy do you support?
  3. What is the optimal new police force for Sordland?
  4. Do you believe that Healthcare should be privatised?
  5. Do you believe that the Sollist and militaristic curriculum should be reformed?
  6. What is the optimal threshold for Sordish elections?
  7. Should there be a term limit for presidents?
  8. Should Sordland be a parliamentary or presidential republic?
  9. Do you support Green politics?
  10. Do you support the use of minority languages, such as Bludish or Valgish, in publicly funded organisations or non-profits?
  11. What is the best way for Bergia to be governed?
  12. Should women's rights be expanded?
  13. Should prostitution be banned?
  14. Do you support excise taxes?

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