six minutes test what character are you???

hey I'm sky and I wrote this quiz because i think we all have wondered what character in the beloved 6 minutes podcasted if you don't like the answer you can take the quiz again

so personally all the characters are great but if you don't like the answer I'm sorry just take it again and be sure to listen to season 4 of 6 minutes and rewind and out of time

Created by: sky
  1. are you a mean person
  2. what is your fav ship in 6 min
  3. what is your fav season
  4. fav characters in 6 min
  5. what is your characteristic
  6. what is you gender
  7. do you like 6 min
  8. fav animal
  9. fav color
  10. hobbie

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Quiz topic: Six minutes test what character am I???
