Which bunkd season 6 character are you?

Have you ever wondered what character from the 6th season of bunkd well here's your chance to find out with this fun 15 question quiz the questions are easy and if you don't know the answer that's okay just pick any have fun with this amazing quiz sincerely Lisa

The results can be Bill Pickett,Lou hockhauser,Destiny baker, Noah Lambert, Jake Jacobs,Winnie webber, and Parker Preston btw im sorry I did not include the Marshal

Created by: Lisa
  1. What do you like to do in your free time?
  2. Why do you like life?
  3. If you could describe yourself in one word (or more) what would it be
  4. What's your favorite animal
  5. How old are you
  6. Who is your favorite character
  7. What is your favorite type of book
  8. Are you\your family rich
  9. Did your parents force stuff on you
  10. What's your favorite camp activity
  11. Who is your favorite out of these
  12. What's your favorite movie
  13. What is your biggest fear
  14. Do people call you dumb
  15. Are you self centered

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Quiz topic: Which bunkd season 6 character am I?
