Should you get fat? (RP)

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The majority of people are chubby, fat or obese and some even lost their mobility. Lots of them want to be skinny or average and some of them want to be the fattest person in the world. Which one are you?

This quiz will help you find out if you want to fat or Skinny enjoy this role-play to find out :D. Experience getting fatter without having to actually get fat.

Created by: Fattyquizmaker2.0
  1. One day you go out with your friends to the big city and you come across the biggest buffet in the world.
  2. When You get home you feel so full you go to bed but halfway through the night you wake up hungry. As you walk over to the Kitchen to grab a snack you feel heavier (even if you didn’t eat we will still say you did for the quiz).
  3. After you eat your snack you decide to go check how much you weigh. The scale said that you now weigh 200 pounds which means you gained 10 pounds overnight because of the buffet.
  4. Since you took so long to weigh yourself and eat your snack it’s now time for school when you put on your uniform it feels slightly tighter and pushes your new belly up a bit.
  5. After the first few classes it’s now lunch break and your feeling really hungry so you ordered everything at the cafeteria and you eat it all.
  6. When you finish eating the buttons on you shirt pops. And the biggest bully in school comes to your table and puts all her food in your mouth while her friend is filming.
  7. Then when she was done feeding your the zipper on your pants un zipped and everyone saw your bloated belly.
  8. When you get home you decide eat all the food in the kitchen and go to bed right after.
  9. You decide to check your weight and it says 240 pounds and your old uniform doesn’t fit at all it ripped completely when you put it on.
  10. You go to school and the cafeteria is selling everything for free.
  11. As you start doing your class the bully swaps your water into a weight gain shake that will make you gain 100 pounds in 2 days which means you will gain 50 pounds right now in front of everyone. And you drank all the weight gain shake thinking that it was water
  12. You wake up the next morning and your mom bought you 2 more weight gainer shakes because she knows your gaining weight. And she forces you to drink all which will make you gain 100 pounds today and 100 tomorrow
  13. You weigh yourself and the scale says your now 440 pounds and you know your going to gain 100 pounds tomorrow because of the shakes so you will be 540!
  14. RP over. How fat do you want to be in real life? No effect on points.

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Quiz topic: Should I get fat? (RP)

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