Am I fat? Or am I skinny? In between or something else

Hi, I’m M. I’ve been told I’m thin average and sometimes skinny, but what do you think? My opinions on the size are probably the same as yours: Thanks!

In my quiz you will answer the questions to best describe me. You have 5 options: Skinny, Thin, Average, Fat and obese. Just choose the answer you think best suits the question.

Created by: M.
  1. I can see the rips on my back if I bend forward. Am I?
  2. I can have a little double chin if I try. Am I?
  3. I’m 13 I’m 5 ft 3 and weight 95 lbs. Am I?
  4. You can see almost the whole of my collar bone. Am I?
  5. I look down and I see part of my thighs and most of my feet. Am I?
  6. I’m 13 my measurements are: 30” (Chest) 23” (Waist) 32” (Hips) Am I?
  7. I can slightly (just slightly) see the bones on my knees. Am I?
  8. I have little elbow dimples. Am I?
  9. Do you think I’m:
  10. Bye (won’t effect results) 😊

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