Should You Get Fat (Roll Playing)

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Find out if you should gain by role playing. If you ask me, chubby is the way to be. You have a little belly baby to feed and can pretty much gorge yourself.

Have fun with this role play quiz. It took a while to make and I hope you enjoyed it! Have a great day and remember to grow that belly baby for me!!!!!

Created by: SHOULD
  1. This is a roleplay to find out if you should get fat. Ready?
  2. (RP) You wake up one morning and walk into the living room. You suddenly feel very hungry and walk to the kitchen. There you see 3 big plates waiting. One has a small meal, the other has a medium meal, and the other has a large meal, which one do you take?
  3. (RP) You walk into the living room with all 3 trays. You set them down. You lay on the couch. Your stomach gurgles and you feel hungry. You look at the trays. You're so hungry. Do you eat 1, 2, or all of them?
  4. (RP) You start to gorge yourself. Before long, your cloths feel tighter. You look down and see a muffin top forming and your arms and legs starting to plump up. You think about maybe stopping, but the food is so delicious. What do you do?
  5. (RP) You keep eating and your cloths start to creak. You keep on eating and ignore it. Soon, your pant buttons pop and your pants tear open. You look down to see you fat legs and growing belly. You jiggle it a little. What do you do?
  6. (RP) You hear a knock on the door. Your boyfriend/girlfriend walks in and sees you. He/she pokes your belly and jiggles it. She/he asks you to gain more and help them gain. What do you do?
  7. (RP) You and your boyfriend/girlfriend start gorging. Soon, your belly hangs over the side of your pants and sways when you walk. You barely can walk though, and your boyfriend/girlfriend is the same way. You keep eating and your bellies keep growing. Later that month, your girlfriend/boyfriend dies. What do you do?
  8. (RP) You are immobile now and can't move. You gorge yourself everyday and keep growing You are soon the largest person alive. How do you feel?
  9. The role play is over. Coming out of it, what are your thoughts?
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Should I Get Fat (Roll Playing)

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