How Fat Should You Get?

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This quiz will determine whether you should get fat or not! Whatever you get is what's best for you, So go for it! Enjoy and please comment down bellow on what you think!

Comment Jiggle Belly down bellow if you liked this quiz! Keep on growing no matter what! Your belly loves food and you do to! Remember that while taking this quiz!

Created by: SHOULD
  1. Why are you here?
  2. Do you want to be fat?
  3. Now the real questions. Do you like eating?
  4. Are your friends/family fat?
  5. Do you like fast food.
  6. Do you care what people think of you?
  7. If you have one, is your girlfriend/boyfriend fat?
  8. If your girlfriend/boyfriend wanted you to gain, would you?
  9. Which of these thing do you like doing most?
  10. What do you think you'll get?

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Quiz topic: How Fat should I Get?

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