Should You Get Fat? Find Out by Roleplaying!

Have you ever wondered if you should gain weight? Has anyone ever said anything about your weight that made you consider changing it? If the answer is yes, then you've found the perfect quiz.

This quiz is not like the other "should you get fat" quizzes out there. In this quiz, you will be asked a series of questions related to one roleplaying scenario. This will make this quiz a much more immersive experience and provide a more accurate result than any other!

Created by: 1_Celestia_3
  1. So you found this quiz. That already tells me you are at least somewhat curious about being fat. Before we begin, why are you really here?
  2. Let's get started. You wake up in a strange room and have no idea how you got there. There are no windows and only one door, and all the walls are mirrors. On the door there is a screen that reads "120," a number you believe to be your current weight. A disguised voice suddenly tells you that you are about to start gaining weight rapidly. You can choose to stop at any time. The only catch is that any weight you gain will stay with you. This weight gain is not permanent, but you will have to put in the same amount of effort as someone who gained the same amount of weight naturally in order to lose it. Do you understand these rules?
  3. The game has begun. After what feels like no time at all, the number on the screen increases to 121. According to the rules you have gained one pound, but you don't feel any different...
  4. You have gained three pounds. You still don;t look or feel any different but you can tell something is off. You still have a flat, tight belly and a toned figure...
  5. You have gained five pounds. You're beginning to think this is all fake, but when you touch your belly it feels less tight than it was before. It still looks flat, but now it feels almost soft and squishy! You barely look any different, but now your body is starting to feel ever so slightly softer...
  6. You have gained ten pounds. You still look mostly the same, but it's a noticeable gain. You still have the same hourglass figure you did before, but now it's softer. You can pinch a tiny amount of squishy fat off your belly, your arms and legs are slightly rounder and less toned, and your butt and breasts are slightly larger...
  7. You have gained 25 pounds. This is clearly a noticeable gain and you are nearly overweight. The basic shape of your figure is still there, but it's slightly bigger and much softer. As you move to touch your belly, you can feel your arms, legs, and butt (which is now much bigger and rounder than before) start to jiggle a little. You can easily pinch an inch of fat off your belly, which is starting to push past the waistband of your jeans. Wait a minute, your jeans feel a lot tighter than before! Good thing your shirt was a bit looser to begin with, but with your belly starting to stick out, who knows how much more your small size clothes can withstand. One more pound and you'll be officially considered overweight...
  8. You have gained 50 pounds. At 170 you are overweight and nearing obesity. Your clothes no longer fit you and feel quite tight. Your belly clearly goes past your jeans waistline and a muffin top has started to form. You can easily pinch fat off your belly, which jiggles every time you touch it. Your butt and breasts are quite large. Your arms have bat wings. Your thighs no longer have a gap and rub together whenever you move. Your cheeks feel round and a double chin is beginning to form on your face...
  9. You have gained 100 pounds. Having nearly doubled your original weight, you have officially become obese. Your huge, jiggly belly forms a large muffin top and can no longer fit in your shirt. Your clothes are barely holding together and rolls of fat are sticking out between the bottom of your tiny shirt and the waistline of your tight jeans, which are almost ripping at the seams. A button even pops off your shirt. When you look down, you can no longer see your feet or legs which are now very round and fat. Your butt and breasts are also quite large and your entire body jiggles whenever you move. You have very round cheeks and a large, defined double chin now that you weigh the same as two 110 pound people put together. You can hardly recognize yourself as your belly bursts out of your clothes...
  10. You have gained 250 pounds. You are now morbidly obese. All semblance of your tiny, toned figure is long gone. You are barely mobile and if you gain much more weight it will be nearly impossible to lose it. You have completely exploded out of your small clothes and your constantly growing belly hangs far past the point where your jeans waistband would be. You have more stretch marks than you can count and your arms, legs, butt, and breasts have an abundance of extra fat stored on them. You suddenly begin to feel tired and have to sit down. When you do your belly rests on your lap and several fat rolls form. You can stick your entire finger in your belly button and pinch handfuls of fat off your huge belly. Just moving takes up a lot of energy and every time you do, your entire body jiggles and your belly sways back and forth...
  11. You have gained 500 pounds. You are morbidly obese and immobile. Your belly has grown so huge you can barely reach all of the fat on it. You have at least three chins and your entire body just looks like a big round ball of fat. You jiggle at the slightest movement and your massive belly shakes and swings back and forth with every motion. You'll definitely be facing major health problems at this point, and being immobile you will not be able to exercise to lose the weigh. You don't look like your former self at all and barely even resemble a normal person...
  12. You have gained 1000 pounds. You are completely immobile and probably the fattest person alive, though you may not be alive much longer because of it. Your enormous body is made up more of fat than muscle, organs and even bones. You can barely even move your arms enough to touch your massive belly and you can't even reach all of your belly because it is so huge. You don;t even resemble a normal human being anymore. Your constantly growing body has expanded to fill nearly the entire area of the small room you are in...
  13. You wake up in another strange room. Wait, no... You are in your living room and you have just removed a pair of VR glasses from your eyes. Now you remember deciding to try a customized simulation to help you decide if you should gain weight, and if so, how much to gain. You look down at your body and can see your legs and your feet. You can easily stand up and walk around. None of the weight you just gained (no matter when you chose to stop) was real. How do you feel?

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Quiz topic: Should I Get Fat? Find Out by Roleplaying!

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