Weight gain Roleplay

You have choices here And you can choose whether or not you gain weight if you want there is even some secrets inside this quiz So enjoy and have fun!

You might wonder Why would a guy like me make a quiz about this But its for mainly people like me with fetishes about this kind of stuff so enjoy and have fun!

Created by: Jack Ford
  1. You find yourself walking down an alleyway What happens
  2. Did you get kidnapped
  3. If you did You wake up next in a sketchy warehouse tied to a chair with three hoses nearby Hose 1 is labeled Whipped cream Hose 2 is labeled Chocolate sauce Hose 3 is labeled Experimental liquid Which does the kidnapper put in your mouth
  4. Did you find the warehouse?
  5. If you did find the warehouse. What do you do?
  6. If you entered the warehouse you find three hoses all labeled differently but with signs saying Put in your mouth.Hose 1 is labeled Cake icingHose 2 is labeled Cream cheeseHose 3 is labeled Experimental liquidWhich do you choose?
  7. Did you find a van?
  8. Do you enter the van or keep walking?
  9. The van drives you to a building with no windows and strong structural supports You have a choice here Do you?
  10. If you stayed in the van you find a person who asks you which door would you go through?
  11. If you went through door 1 you find a hose that snakes its way into your mouth and starts flowing with chocolate milk Do you?
  12. If you went through door 2 You find a hose that snakes into your mouth and starts flowing with caramel sauce Do you?
  13. If you went through door 3 you find a hose that snakes its way inside your mouth and fills you with a strange liquid Do you?

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