Weight gain belly inflation for girls

Ever wondered what it would be like if you were force fed until you can’t move anymore? Well in here you will be kidnapped and force fed until you can’t move!

Have fun being a big giant bloated inflated bloated puffed up blimp! Bye! I also don’t know what else to put here sooo bloated inflated unfeeling up bloated

Created by: Ironhowler
  1. One day you wake up in a warehouse and you are strapped into a chair! There is this hose that is stuck in your mouth! It starts to fill you up with ice cream! How do you react
  2. After some ice cream is force fed into you the hose goes away and you have some time to look and think about your big belly now!
  3. The hose comes back and goes straight into your mouth! The hose is now force feeding you with chocolate milk! How do you feel about the chocolate milk?
  4. The hose goes away again and you have time to look at your now even bigger belly! What do you think about it?
  5. The hose comes back now and fills you with cake! You get so fat that the chair breaks and you fall on your big belly! How do you react?
  6. The hose goes away for one final time and this is your final time to look at your now ginormous belly, what do you think?
  7. The hose comes back and fills you with ice cream again! Your belly grows and grows until your finally done! The hose won’t be filling you with anything anymore and a girl comes into the room and asks you what you want to happen now!
  8. The end! So how was this?
  9. Would you force feed me if you could?
  10. Last question! What would you do to me after you force fed me?

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