Should You be a Boy or a Girl? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Should You be a Boy or a Girl?
omg i hated this quiz bc i wanted boy but i got girl ONLY BECAUSE I CHOSE THE GLITTERY PENS god dammit
I got girl but i want to be both
I mean gender-fluid -
I got 84% boy and 84% girl. So i'm half girl and half boy. XD. Is this even possible?
I meant alot
Yayyy I got I am a girl and I answered honestly
A girl
Just as I have always known.JennyJo1 -
The first time you have a bad dream you get to go home with a girl
I got girl so am happy
I'm male but I got I'm a girl. That is true as I love girlie things and I'm a total sissy f----- loser.
Said I'm 85 percent gay I'm at least 85 if not 100 I love cock an dressing up like a girl
Excuse me but M a girl and how on earth did I get 92% boy 😭🙏
I'm literally wompwompwarrior 🗣🔥
It says im a gitl with this lite dick i should be a girl
87% male...
I guess I'm a boy now... -
YAY I'm a boy!!!!!
I love how accurate girl was for me, even though I'm a boy :3
tbh tho, that is how I'd act almost verbatim if I was a girl, lol
it said in a question for 'boyfriend', 'bouyfriend'
I guess I now have a friend that is a bouy
As a more fem trans man here,i got girl by 86% wich is..reasonable tbh :P
omg! trans gal here: got a 81% to the girls side :3
^-^omi11 -
lol I'm trans masc and got 92% boy, (but 69% girl??) BUT I AM NOT A MACHO MAN OR ANYTHING CLOSE TO IT! 😭
C4l1 -
I am freaking male, I do not want to be a girl! AGGGHHH!
Iam boy but test said Iam a girl start to buy dress and make-up
johnette1 -
Im 87% boy and 76% girlIm a girl
I'm a girl yaaa let's play