Should You be a Boy or a Girl? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Should You be a Boy or a Girl?
Haha got it tied Im genderqueer I love this
I should have ben a girl I love all girly things love panty hose mini skirts painting my nails all girly things I love
I might be a girl but this does not describe me at all, this quiz man it's sexist an bias or something
Kurai1 -
Well, I am an FtM transgender, so saying that I'm a boy makes sense.
Totally stoked---I should be a GIRL. I am a "guy" but I always felt I should be a girl. This is way cool---I'm not gay btw, just feminine.
I was born a male, but on here they gave female and I feel feminine anyways
I don't really want to be one gender, can't I be both? Anyways my results had a 5% difference.
Cysona1 -
Another great quiz. It has me 80% female. I am a male who loves to cross dress. I love my female side.
Love, Irene
Irene721 -
aha i knew i was a man! ha mom! i am a trans man :3 i hate my real gender ... well me being my real gender ;) i like girls there hot 030
damn turned out im 90% male and it makes me happy (i think im trans but wont admit it) biologically im a woman
mlem1 -
I love to be a girl and I love being ultra feminine and girly and I love it all .
I was born a boy, but my mother raised me as a little girl.
Wow I hope people don't force boys to go in dresses
I am a girl but It says I am a boy and that's cool I hate being a girl and I think girls are sexy
Lol a boy but im a girl but the description is right about me
Should You be a Boy or a Girl?
Your Result: You are a Boy 81%You are a boy. You generally speaking do not care what you look like, but secretly, you are self concious. You either have a large group of friend or a very small amount of very close friends. You are heavily criticized not on your appearance, but your personality. You tend to resort to physical rather than verbal/ emotional violence, trying to be a MACHO MAN. Simply, you are in fact a MACHO MACHO MAN, YOU ARE A, MACHO MAN !!!
I'm a lesbian girl and questioning my gender and got a MACHO MAN ig it settels it then
wasn't accurate in the description but funky little quiz so I don't care
a_frog1 -
you are right i am a girl but i feel like a boy how do i explain this to my family i have felt like this since i was four i am 12 now
I'm a girly boy wanting to chat about the things we like .. love dresses and love to be a lady
i wish to be owned and looking for someone to help me transition to a sissy who want to help me
I want to be a girl but my grandpa says no what should I tell him
I got 99% on both results lol
Keshka1 -
Dude, I've got girl. I didn't even try to take the girly answers, wwhat the f---. I don wanna be a femboy
I'm a girl according to this quiz. Awesome, I do love wearing Nail Polish. I have a Female Soul and I'm learning to have a Female Voice. It's so awesome being a girl.
People said I act like a boy(I'm a girl) and this said I act like a boy