nailpolishlover's Profile


Joined on Nov 22, 2021
Status Level: Novice

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nailpolishlover's Quizzes

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nailpolishlover's Recent Posts

  • Super T
    "Here's the code: [poll.nJ8]"
  • Super T
    "Here's the link to my poll: [no urls]"
  • "I found the name of it. Are You a Guy or a Girl? That was a typo, and I didn't realize it. That's my bad. If you dannylover321 and Eri Chan...."
  • "Ok, well I tried. I get why this isn't showing. I don't want to you thinking that I'm unwillingly to help you. Believe me, I'm trying to hel..."
  • "I'm happy your willingly to take my quiz. I hope this link helps. Enjoy. Here's the link to my quiz: [no urls]"
  • "That's fine, but this quiz is asking about fashion. You can answer how you feel on the quiz? I explain my reasons to you, after you answer t..."
  • "I made a Fashion Quiz called, "Are You a Boy or a Girl?" This quiz is for anyone. This quiz isn't assuming your gender. The quiz is asking, ..."

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