She-ra | Who should you date? ( Based on who you are )

I don't speak English very well so I apologize if I made any mistakes. This test is quite short and I don't know what to write in the following tables

What are these tables or whatever they are for? I don't know what to write here :( ehhhh do you like She-ra? Do you have a favorite ship? My favorite is Catradora and entraptak

Created by: Helix_2138
  1. What is your MBTI?
  2. What do you like most of these things?
  3. Are you an Emo Bad b---- πŸ’…
  4. Do you have a hobby? ( Like art/reading/sports )
  5. Are you crazy?
  6. Do you ever get jealous?
  7. Do people listen to what you say?
  8. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
  9. Which of these characters do you like the most?
  10. ☝

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Quiz topic: She-ra | Who should I date? ( Based on who you are )
