How well do you know the movie Maleficent?

Welcome to this “Maleficent” trivia quiz,whoever is reading this,feel welcome! In my quiz,you will be asked questions about the live action Sleeping Beauty which are sometimes really specific and hard to understand,,but don’t worry! You can’t win them all! Hope you enjoy!

Be sure to have fun with this quiz,as it is made for fun to test your skills,and I apologise if I make any mistakes,anyways,thank you! So I need to write 150 characters,so I know if you aren’t happy with this result,but hey,you can’t win it all! Besides,this is made for fun! Have a wonderful day! Hope you enjoy and have fun no matter what!

Created by: Aurora
  1. So first of all,why did Maleficent curse Aurora in the first place(and then regret it later)?
  2. Okay,this is very specific. What did Maleficent say next to the sleeping Aurora?
  3. Stefan was a(n)…
  4. What was the human king’s name that claims the one who kills Maleficent will be his successor causing Stefan to chop off Maleficent’s wings?
  5. What did Maleficent FIRST do when she woke up finding her wings gone?
  6. What did Maleficent turn Diaval into while fighting King Stefan’s guards?
  7. What are the pixies’ names?
  8. What (cute)nickname did Maleficent address Aurora as?
  9. What did Maleficent say while trying to break the curse with no avail?
  10. Only…can break the evil spell Maleficent cast(and ended up falling victim to) ?
  11. How does Maleficent save Diaval from the farmer?
  12. Finally,what does Aurora call Maleficent?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the movie Maleficent?

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