Survivor dog love story #2

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WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!this love story might tern into a hora quiz ok and if you have not done part 1 DO IT NOW or else dun dun dun or else you will miss the best bitts

you will have three pups but one day they will be stolen by a cougar and you find bones of something then you see blood and fur of something what is it your pups or a cougar

Created by: Lillian
  1. in the morning you see Bella with her new born pups 'there beautiful' bella says you say
  2. if you said i agree then you nuzzle each other and watch the pups play but if you said i diss agree Bella asks why you say
  3. if you said they are ugly rats then Bella growls and tells you that your father never liked you so you should be nice to the pups you say
  4. time skip your pups are older they cn run arawnd and they have opend there eyes haw old are your pups
  5. one day one of your pups has gorn missing you
  6. whatever you did a patrol comes back and sais they have seen foot prints you go and look they are
  7. wile you are walking you see the bones of a
  8. four days pass and you find out that the bones stink so you go and look for your pup and you see blood and some fur also a claw mark on the tree. then you go back to camp and say to your mate
  9. you here strange noises in the night but not from the cougar you think it is
  10. whos blood and fur was that

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