Selena Gomez fans only!

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Are you a true fan of Selena?Then this quiz is for you!Answer all these questions and find out if you really know her! Love her too, my favourite singer!

Please take this quiz because these are some things I also learned about her and want to tell you guys! These are latest things I learned just to let you know! Enjoy!

Created by: Chandni of Whats happening in her life
(your link here more info)
  1. Who was she in a relationship with?
  2. What’s her latest song?
  3. Who did her ex-boyfriend marry?
  4. What does she like to eat with her popcorn?
  5. What’s her middle name?
  6. What’s her age?(before her 2020 birthday)
  7. What is Selena’s favourite colour?
  8. What is her band’s name?
  9. What was her first T.V. show that she got a part in?
  10. Who is her Bff?

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