Are you a REAL Selena Gomez fan? (2008)

There are many people that claim to be Selena Gomez's number one Fan! But unless you score a 100 on this quiz will it show that you really are! there are many questions on her age preferences and many other stuff.

Do you watch Selena's youtube videos and always read up on her? If so take this quiz I'm sure you'll like it! It's much of the obvious about her so if you don't score at least an 82% there's really something wrong with you

Created by: Sydev
  1. How old is Selena Gomez?
  2. Which one of these Disney shows did she NOT come out in?
  3. When is her Birthday?
  4. What was she recently named spokesperson for?
  5. What is her fav color?
  6. what does she love about the movie theaters in Texas?
  7. Does she hate Miley Cyrus?
  8. Who does she have a hollywood crush on?
  9. Does she not have chores?
  10. Who made a funky cool little song about her?
  11. Will she ever be more popular or replace Miley Cyrus?
  12. Where was she BORN?

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Quiz topic: Am I a REAL Selena Gomez fan? (2008)