what youre favourite colour says about you

Hi there! In this quiz we will determine your favourite colour and what that colour says about you, just know that these answers may not be correct but I did my best to match each colour to a personality.

Please stick around till the end to see, I hope you enjoy the quiz. I spent a lot of time on it. And remember check out and follow my profile to stay updated on more quizzes.

Created by: Evolet
  1. What do you find joy in.
  2. What is your love life sitting
  3. What is your favourite school subject
  4. What is your favourite animal
  5. how do you want to spend a vacation
  6. What is your preferred book genre?
  7. What do you spend your rainy afternoons doing
  8. Do you like Disney
  9. Where do you go to eat out
  10. And finally how many friends do you have

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Quiz topic: What mye favourite colour says about you
