Remember the future part 10 The kiss, take two | Comments

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  • @ rosekat

    Thank you for your support, and I'll look into that for you ;)

    @ Twisted_Roots
    I know just how you feel amigo...
    @ xxblutixx

    Well, I didn't JUST get feedback. I got AWESOME feedback, I mean seriously you go through these comments and I feel like I'm writing to geniouses over here. Anyways, you guys are all awesome and thank you very much for being so supportive. A dream interpreting business huh? Sounds interesting, kind of like a new form of psychology or something... cool idea! Oh YOU'VE had weird dreams, nuh uh no you have not. I'VE had weird dreams. I've only managed to interpret one of my dreams (because the rest are so freaking weird I can't even comprehend them) but I had this dream that basically meant that I should slow down in life and think before I make regretable decisions. I could explain what happened in the dream and why it meant that... but I'm not going to waste comment space. Let's just say it has to do with the grim reaper (who looks a lot like Snape) chasing me around a field. There's other details and stuff but really that's all that happens. I smile when I hear that curse, sometimes I say it just to avoid the usual curses. Carol may seem over dramatic and nutty at times, but she knows what she's talking about. I tried to think of the weirdest analogy for that and porcupines and bubbles came to mind so... there ya go. Hey what can I say? Noah loves Elton John, you just can't beat the classics. Yes, get used to those cubes folks. So let me get this straight, for you it's between Warren, Devin, Noah, and Seth... well okay sounds legit.

    P.S *facepalms* well when you put it THAT way

    Missy Prissy Cat
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  • @ Innominate

    Ah, hello again! Welcome back to the mad house (Just kidding) oh yes the dream sequences... I can't say too much about them at this point. What I can say is I like adding music to them. I think it just adds another level of atmosphere to them you know? Some people actually hear music in their dreams. I only remember hearing music once, oddly enough it was Justin Bieber's "Never say never" I have no idea WHY that poped in my head. I don't listen to him, and I don't hate him. For me he's kind of on neutral ground, he's okay I guess but I'm not into his style. I only hate things that have a bad influence on people and he's fine. He's singing about never giving up (and he's also teaching kids about oxymorons... that's a literacy term for oppositional wordplay... man I love oxymorons) Anyways, that's the reason why I add them and people seem to like the music element so I'll keep doing that... I might even do that for some reality events that happen who knows? But for now I'll keep it for dreams, the story hasn't gotten to it's intense peak yet... you'll know when THAT comes.

    Missy Prissy Cat
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  • @ The Popolisk

    Oh please, you're awesome and I love your comments. Yeah I was kind of kicking myself for not giving more time to Seth. Honestly I think he's adorable and you kind of need someone like that every now and again in situations like this. Hmmm a movie huh? Well maybe I dunno... it would need LOTS of special effects for the explosions and dream sequences... maybe it could be animated. That might be simpler. I don't know, but I could look into it... you know when I'm done writing it. Nuh uh uh, sorry I can't answer anything related to the dreams just yet. YAY I love hugs XP oh my gosh FOUR HOURS??? I can barely last two hours in a car, let alone FOUR!!! Well enjoy your giggle fest, and have a great summer!

    Missy Prissy Cat
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  • I never knew this existed, it's now 12am cause i wwas reading all the parts,So awesome you are extremely talented i havent seen that talent for a long time, Carol should be my bestie random people are awesome i actually have a page on facebook called Randomity, haha, Seth Noah Devin Warren who to choose you just seem to leave me in suspense i havent felt this way about a series in a long part11 should be here now! Cause waiting is going to be a drag

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  • @ Ambrosia

    *sings* Movin on up, Movin on up, Movin on up tooo the east siiidddeee!!! *stops singing* Yes I am, and I can't wait for the future parts! It's going to be like a big party! Except with explosions... on second thought it's exactly like a big party

    @ singin234

    You can actually read things half asleep? I'm so jealous, I mean I am like a zombie in the morning. Oh yes... part 11. I will work on that, but first I have to clean my room *looks at room* ... crap... I have my work cut out for me

    @ Aria

    You know what's funny? At first I was like "Who the heck is MPC?" but then after re-reading it I was all like OH she's talking to me! Doi *face palms* A good name for an all girls band? Hmm, well nothing with the word "girl" in it. Probably not one with a number either that's more of a boy band thing... maybe "Fantasy" if you're going for a girly approach. I wouldn't know a lot about girl 'bands' in particular. I'm more of a single artist kind of person. The bands I listen to are Green day, The Beatles, and most of all Queen. Queen is my favourite band EVER and no one has reached their standards. I loved them because they put a lot of passion into their music, their songs were always about something interesting, and they took on different styles. One moment they were opera, next they were in full fledged guitar solo mode! How freaking cool is that? Anyways, for a name I guess go with something simple. Usually the catchiest bands have very simple names... like "Kiss" "Guns N Roses" "Journey" make it one or two words.

    @ angelic4

    Welcome aboard the suspense train, where every moment is the difference between life and death... HAVE FUN XD Okay let's get serious for a moment (OMG SERIOUS??) Thank you so much, I really appreciate it and honestly I'm straight up flattered for that comment. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the rest of the ride! XD Let me tell you, I've got BIG plans coming up... I just can'

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    Missy Prissy Cat
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  • @ Missy Prissy

    Okay, I'm back! And I re-read all your stuff, too, 'cause I kinda forgot what was going on. XP

    Actually, long car rides aren't all that bad for me- I love staring out the windows and day dreaming (I pretty much just do that all day anyway, when I'm not reading, so it makes no difference, lol.)

    And I would like to give a general thank you for your comment; I was having a bad day and it cheered me up. :)


    It takes you guys a couple of hours to read these? I only need one hour.... XD Now I feel like super man, lol.

    The Popolisk
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    Oh, cool. I was right about the light. XD I feel so smart!

    OMIGOD I was mentioneeed! I AM IMPORTANT! *Bright light shines behind me* But not really, lol. *Light stops*

    Aw, this was cute. Seth is so sweet.... but I shall continue to be biased. Pfffft, they were singing 'What the Hell'?! This needs to be a movie or something so I can see that. :}

    You're killing me with the light thing. There are so many gods... Blergh, I can't tell which one it could be. And I always get the minor Greek gods mixed up, so that doesn't help either. :P

    Is it a boy god or a girl god?

    YAY! You got it out before I have to leave! *Gives 1 million hugs*

    And this will make a 4 hour drive so mich more fun... I can giggle the whole time and scare my family. >:D


    The Popolisk
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  • FORGIVE ME! PLEASEEE! I AM VERY VERY SORRY FOR NOT COMMENTING EARLIER! Do you forgive me? I hope you do, anyway, dang...they're coming =O

    I was trying to imagine them singing What the hell, it was funny XD

    Seth actually crawled out of his shyness for once. He's such a cutie, I can't believe I made the first move. Honestly, you should write this in a book form as well, just in case. (: Um here's the thing, I'd like to show this to my idol: Anne Cox and I need your permission first.

    Okay...the god...Which god will it be? I guess I'll have to read to find out

    Just remember, eat pickles, green sour skittles and cucumbers XD

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  • @ The Popolisk

    Aw, you're welcome. For some reason speaking my mind cheers people up so I'll do that more often. OH MY GOD IT'S LATE oops, sorry that just slipped out. Oh day dreaming? Pfft I'm like the queen of zoning out, I mean I could be listening to someone and zone out but they wouldn't even know it. Then I zone back in before they realize I'm on planet fangirl where I think back to a Phineas and Ferb joke or something. Dude, you are superman if you can read these super fast! I freaking wrote these and somehow I feel like I'm behind schedule with you fast readers. Oh my gosh I got three new books today! I got them for really cheap (because I look on the bargin shelf... yes I'm cheap but one day I'll be rich so MUH HA HA HA in your face) and here's what I got. "Ophelia" by Lisa Klein, "The extrordinary secrets of April, May & June" by Robin Benway, and finally "Eyes Like Stars" by Lisa Mantchev. If I were to reccomend one of these books to you GoToQuizzers, I'd go with "the extrordinary secrets of April, May & June" because it's about three sisters who have powers. April has the power of seeing the future, May has the power of becoming invisable, and June can read minds (although I wish the author would use the proper term "Telepathy" but I digres) I think you guys would like this one out of the three. The other two have to do with Shakespeare... man I love Shakespeare. I know it's weird but when you really read about his stories you find that they're so over the top and so well written it's irresistable to put down. You may have to get some of it translated though because it's kind of complicated to read. Anyways, I'm done here have a great summer everyone (P.S I'm done writng part 11, I'm just editing it and then I'll post it tomorrow.) PEACE OUT!

    Missy Prissy Cat
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  • To start off, thank you for the shout-out :) of course you got feedback, you're amazing too!

    Missy Prissy Cat, if you teamed up with Noah, you could start a super successful dream-interpreting business :o I'd be your first customer! I've had some weird, confusing dreams... XD Seth is cute... "bloody hell" XP I don't know why that phrase makes me crack up. If I ever go to UK like I want to, and someone starts cursing, I'll be the weird one laughing. Hm, a short-tempered, big-ego-ed, helpful, crazy, sadistic god? That's ALL of them XP (if we're talking greek/roman gods, and if we are, maybe it's Ares or Hades) =O I would order hash browns and bacon with pancakes! Carol DOES know me... haha! Carol and "I" make an awesome pair. Porcupines and bubbles? XD ah, darn bill, getting in the way of our spirit. Oh my, quiet, thoughtful NOAH singing? Another cube? o.o

    Hm, about the guys, I'm still undecided, though I'm floating between Warren and Devin... possibly Noah... kinda Seth too XD Thoughts? I don't think too much changed from my last time, except it was cool to see Noah sing XD expose a little of a different side of him and Seth continues to be cute, shy guy over there who's kind of insecure, but sweet

    P.S. part of Devin's result: "He shouldn't worry too much though, you're all over him, maybe more than he thinks." all over him? *raises eyebrows* XD

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  • @ singin234

    Aw, I'm so jealous! well enjoy your procrastinational holidays!

    @ scolionophobia

    You read ALL of the parts in one night? Wow you are determined, does anyone have an award for this lovely new reader? No? Oh well I'm making one *hands big throphy* Congrats, you managed to read all of my long quiz parts IN ONE NIGHT!!! Oh and one for angelic4 as well, she read all the parts until midnight and I completely forgot about her award but here you go as well *hands big throphy* you're both the most determined readers I've seen on GoToQuiz, because seriously I can barely get through two of my parts in an hour! WHY DO I MAKE THEM SO LONG??? oh well, by the way the guy I believe you are referencing as your second favourite is Devin. By popular demand I have finished cleaning my room and I'm working on part 11... I just just wanted to give out throphies before I continued on with it.

    Missy Prissy Cat
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  • Wow, how did I manage to miss THREE PARTS of this?! Didn't realise they were out :P I like the thing with the dream sequences - even though they're really scary with the music and all XD

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  • AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! !! I missed part nine why must this site do such horrible things well it was awesome and I think my favorite is devin so I hope we can have a moment with him soon any ways greate job on both 9 and 10 I loved them and hope to see the next one soon

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  • @MPC- lol your room sounds like mine. If I want to do anything thy say "when you clean up your room" but for two weeks I am on q holiday so I don't have to clean!! :) The world is so beautiful and cruel! !! J

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  • im new to these and i read all in one nigh. i literally mean night, i started at 1:05 and i finished at 5:52

    all of them are awesome and i like seth. i like him

    i secondly like.. i cant rember his name.. darn.. its somthing that starts with a d.. derick? im sorry i dont have a good memory.

    i like him bcause he makes me laugh allot. when i started i was halfway asleep but now im wide awake ith burning cheeks from smiling at the computer screen

    can t wait for part 11

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  • Omg, im kissing seth and then what do I get? "IM RADIOACTIVE, IM RDIO ACTIVE" XD You one aweaome writer,and I swear pandora has all the songs to match the setting...

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  • I love it and I am still half asleep. You such an amazing writer!!! I can't wait for the next part!!!!

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  • @MPC- I can't read this atm because of some unknown reason but whats a good name for an all girls band?

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  • SETH. KISSED. ME!!! AAAAAH *fan girls* i luv seth :3 i hope we get away before they hurt us or sumtin ._.

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  • this was alright, yur making progress ! xD

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