random quiz thingy

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hi red, yellow, blue, brown, orange, green, violet, black, carnation pink, yellow orange, blue green, red violet, red orange, yellow green, blue violet, white, violet red, dandelion, cerulean, apricot, scarlet, green yellow, indigo and gray.

this is a random quiz thingy i made so yeah anyways hows your day and have u ate and drank water at all today? if u haven't then go do that right now! im bored right now so

Created by: elmoismybae
  1. how are u today?
  2. have u ate today?
  3. elmo or kerrmit
  4. have u drank water?
  5. idk to put anymoreee
  6. :)
  7. have u ever had chipotle ?
  8. uh im bored :/
  9. how are u feeling right now ?
  10. ok well byee now !

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