Which Baudelaire sibling are You?

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Not sure if you’re brainy Klaus or resourceful Violet, sassy Sunny or wise Beatrice? Look no further because you are gonna find out. This quiz is here to tell you.

Villains, quotes, fate, siblings, this quiz has it all. Green and blue, indigo and Violet Baudelaire. Santa Klaus is coming to town. It looks a bit Sunny out there. Beatrice doesn’t really have any songs tho sorry.

Created by: Lola Laken
  1. What is your favorite Baudelaire quote?
  2. What is your pet peeve?
  3. How old are you?
  4. What animal do you reassemble?
  5. Who do you want to get?
  6. Which villain do you despise the most?
  7. Which guardian would you miss more, Josephine, or Monty
  8. Who do you think you’ll get
  9. Choose Fate
  10. Are you ready

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Quiz topic: Which Baudelaire sibling am I?
