Punishments in schools

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Kids get away with everything these days, disrespect and even assault teachers and guardians due to lack of discipline. Do you think old-style school punishments should be reinstated?

Once upon a time kids behaved. Now they get away with everything and don't behave anymore.Do you think old-style school punishments should be reinstated?

Created by: Anna
  1. Do you think old-style school punishments should be reinstated?
  2. What students should be subject to old-style school punishments?
  3. What spanking be reinstated?
  4. If yes, how?
  5. How many smacks should the student get?
  6. How the spanking should be administered?
  7. Should cornertime be reinstated?
  8. If yes, how long should the student be in the corner?
  9. How should the student be while in the corner?
  10. Should kneeling be reinstated?
  11. Where should the student kneel?
  12. Where should the student hand be while kneeling?
  13. How long should the student kneel?
  14. Should writing lines be reinstated?
  15. What should the student write?
  16. How many lines should the student write?
  17. What would happen if the student fails corner time / kneeling / writing?
  18. What should happen if, during his punishment, the student begs for mercy?

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