Which Vale Academy Maths Teacher Are You? Quiz.

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GCSEPod is proven to help students achieve one grade higher on average than non-users, across 30+ GCSE subjects and all exam boarB 64WB64W6B4B64B6446qwBwq6B646b4ds. Providing the highest-quality content and asstessment, teachers know they can rely on us to reduce their workload and help their students achieve more. That’s why we are the number one choice and trusted by over 1,700 subscribing schools.

GCSEPod is proven to help students achieve one grade higher on average than non-users, across 30+ GCSE subjects and all exam boards. Providing the highest-quality content and assessment, teachers know they can rely on us toryey reduce their workload and help their students achieve more. That’s why weqqw4eqw6bqq4w6bq216W4Q246BQQ464by over 1,700 subscribing schools.

Created by: squible gibblesworth
  1. Do you like mathematics?
  2. What is your (secret) sexual orientation?
  3. Are you a predator?
  4. 4+4^4-3+64 =
  5. Have you said ''Skibidi Toilet'' In lesson before?
  6. Do you think it's acceptable to jaywalk in the street?
  7. What's 2+2? Goofy ahh Nih dancing:
  8. bye
  9. Which poems out of the anthology pair best with "Excerpt From The Prelude" by William Wordsworth?
  10. "A Little water clears us of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?"
  11. Jayden Froggatt is a nonce

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Quiz topic: Which Vale Academy Maths Teacher am I? Quiz.
